What Happened in Museums this Week?

What Happened in Museums This Week? June 15 – 21

An Ingenious Museum Design That Turns Visitors Into Creators

In theater, the “fourth wall” is the invisible barricade at the front of the stage, through which the audience observes the action while the players act as though the audience isn’t there.

If such a thing exists in museums—and it does, in the form of glass casing and “Please don’t touch” signs—the newly renovated Cooper Hewitt is taking a step towards getting rid of it. To read more, click here.

Bjork Exhibition to Be Held at Museum of Modern Art in 2015

Next year, Björk‘s influence on art will get its due. Beginning in March, the Museum of Modern Art in New York will hold a full-scale retrospective of the Icelandic musician’s works, titled Björk, which will include her contributions to performance art, recordings, film, costumes, instruments and visuals. It will be presented with a narrative, co-written by Björk and Icelandic writer Sjón Sigurdsson, that will include both biographical and fictitious events drawing from the two decades since she issued her 1993 breakthrough solo album Debut. To read more, click here.

Google Glass Could Replace Audio Guides at Some Museums

Some museums may soon offer Google Glass-enabled tours: GuidiGO announced it will be partnering with museums around the world to offer virtual tours optimized for Google Glass.

The partnership is the result of Google’s Glass at Work program, which certifies companies that make Glass apps specifically for businesses. GuidiGO was among the first five companies to be selected for the program earlier this week. To read more, click here.

Mauritshuis is the rock super-group of collections

The Maurithuis‘s international strategy during its two-year refurbishment was simple: it would send its remarkable collection of Dutch Golden Age paintings out on a world tour. But only the very, very best would be selected; only the most masterful of its masterpieces.

The result was akin to putting together a super-group of rock stars, with Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring (c.1665) on lead vocals…To read more, click here.

Never Tell Them The Odds: Cities Vie To Host ‘Star Wars’ Collection

A short time ago, in a city not far away, Star Wars creator George Lucas decided to build a museum to house his movie memorabilia and his art collection.

There’s just one looming question: Where should it go? To read more, click here.

New Atlanta Museum Links Human Rights Struggles of Past and Present

A museum opening in Atlanta on Monday links the U.S. civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s to modern fights for human rights across the world to give visitors new insight on how the struggles are related, organizers said.

The National Center for Civil and Human Rights will feature handwritten letters from the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., along with exhibits on the fight for equal rights for women, gays, the disabled and other groups. To read more, click here.

‘Outlier’ Delaware Art Museum Shunned by Art Groups

The Delaware Art Museum lost its accreditation and its ability to receive loaned works from many museums Wednesday, one day after the museum sold one of its most famous Pre-Raphaelite paintings to help pay its bills.

A committee of the American Alliance of Museums, a national museum advocacy organization, voted unanimously Wednesday to remove the Delaware museum’s accreditation. To read more, click here.

Picasso’s ‘Blue Room’ has a hidden occupant just beneath the surface

It took years and a good bit of detective work by art experts and scientists to unveil a painting hidden underneath Pablo Picasso’s 1901 masterpiece “The Blue Room.”

Using infrared technology, experts at The Phillips Collection in Washington discovered a portrait of a bearded man wearing a jacket and a bow tie, his face resting on his hand, with three rings on his fingers. To read more, click here.

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