Meet a Museum Blogger: Jasper Visser
Meet a Museum Blogger

Meet a Museum Blogger: Jasper Visser

Jasper Visser is the founder and principal of Inspired by Coffee. He works with non-profits, NGOs and cultural organizations from around the world on strategies for the future, especially in the area of media, communication, technology and business models. Also, he is the cofounder of several startups that turn his ideas into reality. Jasper regularly … Continue reading

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Changing Expectations + 21C Skills: Are We There Yet?

Close your eyes and think about the museum professionals in your life: your colleagues, your friends and your partners in crime. They’re passionate people, right? And driven. And pretty darn smart. However, passion, drive and smarts aren’t all we need in our professional lives. We need fair compensation, feasible (if still challenging) expectations and opportunities … Continue reading

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